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Explore Energy is a cross-campus effort of the Precourt Institute for Energy.


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For scholars   |   For mentors

For Scholars

Q. When does SUPER take place?

This year, the program will run from June 24 through August 30, 2024. Slightly different start or end dates may be possible in coordination with your mentor, but you should plan to participate in cohort activities for most of those 10 weeks.

Q. Who is eligible?

Stanford undergraduates who will be enrolled as undergrads through at least Fall Quarter 2024 are eligible for the summer 2024 SUPER program. 

Q. Am I eligible if I am currently performing research with a faculty advisor?

Yes. Pre-existing undergraduate researchers may apply and research may proceed after SUPER concludes. However, the financial support from SUPER is fixed for the summer term.

Q. What type of research does SUPER support?

SUPER supports energy-related research within any of the schools at Stanford.

Q. What are the selection criteria?

The projects must be related to energy and achievable on campus. We are primarily interested in strong student-faculty pairs.

Q. When will I be notified of my funding status?

Students and faculty will be notified of their funding status prior to spring break.

Q. What if I'm interested in more than one project?

You are welcome to contact multiple professors to see if they will be interested in mentoring you over the summer. But you will only be funded for one research project per summer.

Q. Can I apply to participate in SUPER over multiple summers?

You are welcome to apply to SUPER even if you have participated in the past. We prioritize students with no prior research experience, but we don't exclude experienced students.

Q. Is housing provided?

Participants in summer programs are eligible for housing on campus. However, SUPER does not arrange or pay for housing; you will need to organize this on your own.

Q. How do I get paid? What about taxes?

We highly suggest you set up direct deposit so the funds are directly transferred to your bank account. Checks are sent to your address listed in Axess otherwise. The payment is subject to tax and will be reported on your 1098T form. To learn more about taxes and tax forms, read this from the student financial services.

Q. What other summer research opportunities are there?

Learn more about other summer research programs in the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability.

Q. Have additional questions that weren't answered here?

Email Rachael Madison at

For Mentors

Q. May a faculty member mentor two or more SUPER interns?

Depending on enrollment in the SUPER program and available funding, there is a chance that a faculty mentor may mentor more than one intern. This is not guaranteed, however.

Q. I'm new to mentoring, do you have any best practices?

Yes! We're happy to share best practices for mentoring with the SUPER program that have been shared with us by previous mentors.